a gross love story, with adventure, great food, amazing coffee, and unforgettable awkward moments
Monday, December 27, 2010
Best Weekend-EVER!!!!
Friday: Watched an early movie, then we shoveled the FOUR inches of snow we got outta of the driveway-we are running out of places to put it!!! Then the boy had a friend over and we went sledding. Then we cleaned up and went out to dinner.
Saturday: Spent the morning in our jammies and watched a movie then we all bundled up and went geo-caching for THREE HOURS!! We found nothing! But it was the most intense workout ive ever had!!! Then we came home had lunch and warmed up. Then we headed out to a movie. Saw Yogi Bear and it was cute, better then i expected. We came home had dinner and hung out in our jammies!
Sunday: Made french toast and watched a movie. Then cleaned up and got dressed spent the after noon out boot shopping came home went to the meeting, had dinner and slept like a baby.
How was your long weekend?
Monday, December 20, 2010
Red Hot Chili Peppers OR Foo Fighters?
Jeans OR Skirt?
Snow OR Rain?
Beach OR Sprinkler?
Snowboard OR Ski?
Jelly Beans OR Jelly Belly's?
Hot OR Cold?
Dogs OR Cats?
Pie OR Cake?
Snow cone OR Cotton Candy?
Pina Colada OR Margarita?
I cant wait to see what you guys prefer!!!
There is also a lunar eclipse tonight?
and one more-
Minnesota has the coldest winters on record and has the coldest winters in the whole united states!!!
But we love it here right?
Friday, December 17, 2010
Essential to Life
Even though its gloomy out and we are forever boarded up inside (or so it seems), there is plenty to do. So I have been busy compiling a list of some essentials that are absolutely required in order not only to make it through the cold winter but life in general!!!
-teddy bear
-mr. wonderful
-pink sweater buddy :D
-a good book
-meatball soup (mmmm....yum!)
-peanut butter
-snow cones
-comfy fuzzy blankets
-good friends
-funny little kids
-fruit (i lOVE me some fruit)
-my dad
-siblings to annoy
-oxygen (thats a biggie!)
Did i forget anything?
Monday, December 6, 2010
...the new February
Need confirmation? Look no further!!!!
Reason No. 1) Its bitterly cold. It has been under 20 degrees more days in a row than i can count! it has also dropped below zero as well at that usually doesnt happen until Jan!!! its insane. Have you felt that bitterly cold wind! YIKES!!! gets right under your coat!! its EVIL!!! you go outside and BAM cold breeze in your face, bitter cold on your nose, and cold air shooting up your coat! Hello February! oh wait its only December! Just Great!!
Reason No. 2) SNOW SNOW SNOW!!! Its a winter wonderland out there!! its totally awesome!!! we have had TWO winter storm warnings/advisories this month alone....insane!! We dont even get a GLIMPS of snow until the end of January!! Break out the sleds spring is on the way! oh wait its only December!
Reason No. 3) Everyone you know is sick. Yup your ma, pa, sister, cousin, brother, kid, friends, and even the dog is sneezing! Your pumping yourself full of Vitamin C and washing your hands every three minutes. Its inevitable-YOUR NEXT! and there it is the throat scraping sneeze! Hooray for February! oh wait its only December!
Reason No. 4) Your bunkering down until spring. You've had it! Forget cold winds, below freezing temperatures, colds, viruses, the flu, shoveling and anything winter related! You've got your blanket your hot chocolate and you favorite movies collection! See you in a few months when spring is here! Oh wait its only December!!!
Reason No. 5) Your hating me at this very moment for reminding you....
....that its ONLY DECEMBER!!!!
Hang in there my little chickens!!!
Bring out the sweaters, blankets, and vitamin C and STAY WARM!!!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Did You Know...?
-my tv remote!
-cute cuddly animals!
-mr. wonderful!
-my own car!
What can you totally not live without?
Sunday, November 7, 2010
All Messed Up!!
Im so tired...but the clock says its only nine? whats going on!!!!
This is so not fair!!! I have been killing time for the past three hours!!
its felt late but the clock says otherwise!!
i went for a walk
then i stood around for a bit...
then i folded some laundry
then i ate some dinner...which was YUMMY!!!
then i cut some celery and carrots and an onion-which made me cry
(for dinner tomorrow)
then i washed my hands......
then i stood around for a bit....
then i put the boy to bed....
then i went and did some gluing and cutting and pasting and stuff.....
then i checked on the boy-found hims sucking his thumb! YEA!!!
then i came in here to do stuff on the computer.....stuff to kill time....
....and then i looked at the clock and realized how tired i am...still.
and now i just realized that we really didnt need to share this moment!!!
but enjoy it anyway!!!
Until Next time....
Monday, November 1, 2010
My New Favorite Thing!!!

That's right! PUMPKIN!!!
I have completely fallen in love with pumpkin! Its so yummy.
Not that canned stuff of course!
But real baked pumpkin.

Pumpkin Pie from scratch....
Pumpkin bars from scratch.....
Just the aroma that fills your kitchen is divine!!
Whats your new favorite thing?
Friday, October 29, 2010
I bet you can't resist!!
Oh,girls,just wanna have That's all they really want.....Some fun....
When the working day is done......
2) Jenny, Jenny Who can I turn to You give me something I can hold on to I know you'll think
I'm like the others before Who saw your name and number On the wall
Jenny, I've got your number I need to make you mine....
3) Nibblin' on sponge cake, watchin' the sun bake, all of those tourist covered with oil. Stummin' my six-string on my front porch swing smell those shrim they're beginnin' to boil.
Wastin' away again in Margaritaville.....
4) Another summer day its come and gone away in Paris or Rome, but i wanna go home. Maybe surrounded by a million people I still feel all alone I just wanna go home, oh I miss you, I wanna go home.....another aeroplane another sunny place...Im lucky i know.....
5) I want you to want me.....
6) If you like pina coladas.....
Keep checking back...i will continue to add more....
Monday, October 4, 2010
Let's see...what can we do in 70 degree weather???

Hang out at the beach-and we can build some awesome sand castles!

Play some Frisbee golf!!

Go Geo caching!

Do some bike riding!

-BBQ! (thats right its not too late!!!)

Get the group together and play some softball!!!!
What do you think? What are you going to do with this lovely weather??
Monday, September 27, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
I need a hero...
Sat. Sept 18: Car engine ka-put!
Sun Sept 19: Put replacement car together!
Mon. Sept 20: Borrow Dads car! Hooray For Dad!
Tues Sept 21: No Car. No Go. Bonus: Clean House!
Wends Sept 22: Get up late, kid no listen, late for daycare, late for work. Replacement car mr. wonderful drove broken on side of road, left work to save mr. wonderful, drop mr. wonderful off at work, go back to work. Start two hours late. After work go pick up mr. wonderful, pick up kid who no listen, pick up trailer, pick up car broken car, bring car home, beat all non working cars with hammer, eat pizza, sleep.
Thurs Sept 23: Repeat--????!!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Whats all the hype?

I remember when turning twelve was the coolest thing ever!!
I was so excited to be twelve! I was gonna conquer the world.
I was gonna be cool. yea right. Then came 16. That was super!
I was almost an adult. And the boys were looking cuter and cuter!.
Before i knew it i was 18. Yay! i was an adult. and we could go to the
casino...why would i want to go there? waste of time!
And it was all the rage to be 21 because oooo you can drink.
Ba! Whatever!
But 25. Now that is a big deal. Everyone gets you all hyped up
for 16, 18, and even 21. Those are cake walks.
Psh. Im telling you get excited for 25.
What is so great about reaching 25? I'll tell you.
At 25 you:
-know who you are
-have experience. REAL experience.
-know the type of parent you want to be.
-know the type of people you want your kids to be.
-have TRUE friends.
-understand life, mostly.
-have a perception of people, the world, and life.
-know the kind of life you want to live.
-have confidence.
-have steady income.
-a job.
-don't argue with your parents.
-have parents that FINALLY see you as an adult.
-are an adult! (woo i did it!)
-make your own choices.
-are adaptable.
-are responsible.
-get to make the rules.
-are more like your parents then you ever thought you'd be and that's a good thing.
-love visiting your grandparents.
-have dreams that are attainable.
-talk to yourself and aren't embarrassed.
-understand love.
-are o.k. with setting an example.
-have a fashion sense.
-have a sense of authority.
-know how to savor the moment.
-enjoy creation.
-love a good road trip.
-enjoy getting together with your family.
-can't get grounded.
-WANT to eat healthy.
-don't worry about getting old.
Age is a number. That is all. It doesn't define who we are.
When you see me is the first thing you think of: Oh look she's 25!
(well you will now because i wrote that! :P) Or do you think:
She is fun, crazy, has a handle on things, and knows where
shes going in life.
How do you want to be defined? By a number?
or do you want people to see you for who you are?
where you've been? how you've gotten to where you are today?
My Grandpa is over 80 years old. When i see him i dont
see that number. I see a man who is full of love. He loves his
kids. He has been places we could only imagine. When he talks
he takes you to a different time like you were there with him.
Age is not a number not a definition.
How are you defined?
Friday, September 10, 2010
Everybody Handles it Differantly....
December 8 - 6:00 PM
It started to snow. The first snow of the season and the wife and I took our cocktails and sat for hours by the window watching the huge soft flakes drift down from heaven. It looked like a Grandma Moses Print. So romantic we felt like newlyweds again. I love snow!
December 9
We woke to a beautiful blanket of crystal white snow covering every inch of the landscape. What a fantastic sight! Can there be a lovelier place in the whole world? Moving here was the best idea I've ever had! Shoveled for the first time in years and felt like a boy again. I did both our driveway and the sidewalks. This afternoon the snowplow came along and covered up the sidewalks and closed in the driveway, so I got to shovel again. What a perfect life!
December 12
The sun has melted all our lovely snow. Such a disappointment! My neighbor tells me not to worry- we'll definitely have a white Christmas. No snow on Christmas would be awful! Bob says we'll have so much snow by the end of winter, that I'll never want to see snow again. I don't think that's possible. Bob is such a nice man, I'm glad he's our neighbor..
December 14
Snow, lovely snow! 8 inches last night. The temperature dropped to -20. The cold makes everything sparkle so. The wind took my breath away, but I warmed up by shoveling the driveway and sidewalks. This is the life! The snowplow came back this afternoon and buried everything again. I didn't realize I would have to do quite this much shoveling, but I'll certainly get back in shape this way. I wish I wouldn't huff and puff so.
December 15
20 inches forecast. Sold my van and bought a 4x4 Blazer. Bought snow tires for the wife's car and 2 extra shovels. Stocked the freezer. The wife wants a wood stove in case the electricity goes out. I think that's silly. We aren't in Alaska , after all.
December 16
Ice storm this morning. Fell on my butt on the ice in the driveway putting down salt. Hurt like something else. The wife laughed for an hour, which I think was very cruel.
December 17
Still way below freezing. Roads are too icy to go anywhere. Electricity was off for 5 hours. I had to pile the blankets on to stay warm. Nothing to do but stare at the wife and try not to irritate her. Guess I should've bought a wood stove, but won't admit it to her. God I hate it when she's right. I can't believe I'm freezing to death in my own living room.
December 20
Electricity's back on, but had another 14 inches of the darn stuff last night. More shoveling! Took all day. The darn snowplow came by twice. Tried to find a neighbor kid to shovel, but they said they're too busy playing hockey. I think they're lying. Called the only hardware store around to see about buying a snow blower and they're out. Might have another shipment in March.. I think they're lying. Bob says I have to shovel or the city will have it done and bill me. I think he's lying.
December 22
Bob was right about a white Christmas because 13 more inches of the white crap fell today, and it's so cold, it probably won't melt till August. Took me 45 minutes to get all dressed up to go out to shovel and then I had to pee. By the time I got undressed, peed and dressed again, I was too tired to shovel. Tried to hire Bob who has a plow on his truck for the rest of the winter, but he says he's too busy. I think the jerk is lying.
December 23
Only 2 inches of snow today. And it warmed up to 0. The wife wanted me to de co rate the front of the house this morning. What is she, nuts?!! Why didn't she tell me to do that a month ago? She says she did but I think she's lying.
December 24
6 inches - Snow packed so hard by snowplow, I broke the shovel. Thought I was having a heart attack. If I ever catch the jerk who drives that snow plow, I'll drag him through the snow by his balls and beat him to death with my broken shovel. I know he hides around the corner and waits for me to finish shoveling and then he comes down the street at a 100 miles an hour and throws snow all over where I've just been! Tonight the wife wanted me to sing Christmas carols with her and open our presents, but I was too busy watching for the darn snowplow.
December 25
Merry f---ing Christmas! 20 more inches of the slop tonight - Snowed in. The idea of shoveling makes my blood boil. God, I hate the snow! Then the snowplow driver came by asking for a donation and I hit him over the head with my shovel. The wife says I have a bad attitude.. I think she's a fricking idiot. If I have to watch "It's A Wonderful Life" one more time, I'm going to stuff her into the microwave.
December 26
Still snowed in. Why did I ever move here? It was all HER idea. She's really getting on my nerves.
December 27
Temperature dropped to -30 and the pipes froze; plumber came after 14 hours of waiting for him, he only charged me $1,400 to replace all my pipes.
December 28
Warmed up to above -20. Still snowed in. The wife is driving me crazy!!!
December 29
10 more inches. Bob says I have to shovel the roof or it could cave in. That's the silliest thing I ever heard. How dumb does he think I am?
December 30
Roof caved in. I beat up the snow plow driver, and now he is suing me for a million dollars, not only the beating I gave him, but also for trying to shove the broken snow shovel up his butt... The wife went home to her mother. Nine more inches predicted..
December 31
I set fire to what's left of the house. No more shoveling.
January 8
I Feel so good. I just love those little white pills they keep giving me. Why am I tied to the bed?
Friday, August 27, 2010
Its Been Decided!!!
The results are in! We have decided for spring of 2011 to purchase the 2007 Toyota Matrix XR.

I know its not one of the five we had listed but, we had to go a "wee" bit more realistic. The prices on the others were a bit high. And lets face it i cant affort to pay a high monthly payment AND speeding tickets! :P
So the Toyota Matrix gets 27MPG and is a four cylinder. The engine is a bit smaller than what i have now...but for the purpose of going on road trips, and cruising around town i think it will serve its purpose. I am not allowed to drag race anyway!! So well have plenty of leg room, and can throw the dog in the back instead of having him on my seats!! WOO!!!
So what do you think? It should be speedy enough for our local races, and have plenty of room so we can all fit comfortably. The engine is not as big or as fast as i would like it but we have to set and example for the young ones don't we? We can always leave them at home!!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Don't Forget!!!
Summers end will soon approach and many will be whining about how they are not ready to see summer go. well im sorry, so very sorry.
but friends DONT FORGET!!
-we had plenty of rain this year so fall is going to be GORGEOUS!!
-raking isnt so bad!!
-its fun to watch our dogs trudge in the snow!
-slipping and sliding around in our car is a Minnesota past time!
-hot chocolate...mmmm
-snowball fights
-burying little kids in the snow
-ice skating
-movie marathons!
-February....yea i said it!
-climbing trees you cant reach in the summer
-sledding with your dog!
-hot soup thats been cooking all day.
-cold feet
-alphabet soup
-blankets...warm fuzzy blankets
-little kids in snow suits
-dreaming of the beach
-mini snowmen.
Friday, August 13, 2010
(you'll have to copy and paste the URL, sorry its the best i could do!)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
July Was Better!!!
.....bbqing five nights a week-check!
.....hanging with friends every other day-check!
......plenty of sunshine-check! (not to mention the heat!!)
.....beach side views- check!
....hanging out at the pool with grandma-check (you better believe it!)
....golden tan-check!!! (bronze here we come!!)
....moment of severe sunburn-check! (i dont think that was on the list!)
Thanks to the beautiful weather i was able to fill my july with extra summer fun!!!
Who needs june?
August here we come!!!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Ready, Set, GO!!!
-When little kids are talking...or thinking out loud when they finish and they sit there suddenly very quite...what are they thinking? (i would love to be inside there head at that moment!)
-Do dogs have short term memory?
-How does dirt get inside the door frame? No matter how much you sweep around the door more dirt falls out.
-What if...we all could live in one big house? Do you know how much fun that would be!!??
-Why didnt mars inc. think of putting pretzels inside m&m's sooner? I would have love to been at that board meeting!
-How can it be so hot and not a single glimpse of the sun is possible?
-So if you have lemons your suppose to make lemonade....what if you get tomatoes? or potatoes? or radishes?
-Why do people put fake flowers outside?
What do you ponder about?
Friday, July 30, 2010
Until then...hang tight.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Traveling Companion...
We've grown so close this last week....i only hope i cant find time to wash my car!!!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Not Your Average Soccer Mom....
1. Mitsubishi=LoveFirst choice.
Hands down.The 2007 Mitsubishi Lancer Sports Sedan.

Next on my list is the BMW 335i Sedan.

Powered by the twin-turbo version of the 3.0-liter inline six it has an maximum output of 300 horsepower and 300 lbs-ft of torque. This puppy can go from 0-60 in 4.8 seconds. The sleek body style is an added bonus for when the kids are at school and mom is out and about.
3. Jeep=Sexy
My third choice, because I think it just looks so sleek and sexy is the 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8.

4. Toyota=Spicy
Further down on the list is the new Toyota Camry

This has a 2.5-Liter 4 cylinder DOHC 16-Valve Dual VVT-i engine with 169 hp at 6000 rpm. So while I'm saving a bit on gas I still have the power and style that I expect from my vehicles.
5. Audi=Seductive
Last but certainly not least, the Audi A6 Sedan.

This baby is packing a 3.2-liter V6 engine. It delivers 255 horsepower at 6500 rpm and 243 pound-feet of torque at 3250 rpm. This car is also installed with all the latest safety features, side airbags, anti-lock brakes, and child safety locks and windows. So while im cruising around the kids are all tucked in safe in the backseat!!
But i wanna know what do you think....which one should i get?
Monday, June 28, 2010
Forget It
A few things have been missing this month....
....BBQ every night of the week
....beach time
.....golden tan
.....being outside
.....minimum amount of rain
maybe July will be better....
Monday, June 21, 2010
Second, cramps.Yup lovely cramps. all up and down my legs. Super Fun. oh ya stretch my legs, go for a walk. Bla, bla, bla. it wont work ive tried. leave me alone.
Third, here you are trying to tell me what to do! Really are you serious?!! Today is not the day-thank you very much.
Fourth, Im tired. Why ? dunno maybe its these CRAMPS sucking all my energy! Because its like a miracle i can walk with how tense my legs are....
The Fifth and final reason, if your still reading this, because my house is a mess. So after im done here at work today i get to go home and sort the mess out at home. There is laundry to be folded and put away, bedding to be washed, dinner to be make, dishes to be done, assortment of random bags from everyone's out and about-ness this weekend, litter box to be cleaned, flowers to be watered, lawn to be mowed, dinner to be eaten, vaccuming to be done, kids to bathe, and sleep to be had. YAY for me!!
So ya i m pretty sure today is DEFIANTLY CRAP-TASTIC!!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Hello Weekend!
See You Soon!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
More Rain...!

- Dance: Recreate your favorite moves with extra emphasis thanks to the rain
- Play Tag: Gather up your neighborhood friends and enjoy the classic childhood game of tag! NOT IT!
- Water Polo: No Pool Required.
- Water Slide: All you need is a few garbage bags and a bucket to get things started.
- Splashing in puddles: Instant Classic.
- Driving in Puddles: Get the big ones and see how big of a splash you can make.
- Walk your dog: See who gets wetter.
- Make mud pies: The bigger the better!
- Play baseball: Pick a nice soppy field for best results.
- Ride your bike: Hit all the streams and puddles at top speed.
- Go worm hunting: Be careful their slick little buggers!
- Color yourselves: Get suited up and grab the outdoor chalk.
- Create an obstacle course: Use beach balls, baseballs bats, and other outdoor materials.
- Create a water park: Turn on the sprinkler and make it extra awesome.
- Camp out: Set up the tent and enjoy the outdoors and soothing rain without getting wet.
- Play Watermelon Football: Set up the goals and grab a watermelon. Game is over when everyone is too exhausted or the watermelon cracks!
- Make a Mud Castle: No castle is complete with out a moat, bridge, and fortress tower.
- Grab your special someone and create your own dramatic kissing scene.
- Jump Rope: Do it in a puddle!
- Go Fishing: Should be easy since you've already went worm hunting.
- Blow some bubbles: No sticky mess!
- Have a water balloon fight: Make sure you get those trying NOT to get wet!!
- Make a muddy construction sight: Get out the matchbox cars and your little brother and show em how they do it downtown!
- Drive with your windows down: Wave to everyone you pass by!
- Collect Frogs: Are you up for the challenge of getting the slippery, slimy, smelling things?
Have fun!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Ode To Cuteness!

with your fluff all over the place.
Trying to act all grown up,
but you've got food all over your face!
You waddle when you walk,
but its cute!
Looking to see who's watching,
you show off your strut!
Your eyes finally find mine.
You waddle my way.
Finally we meet, but I feel like
we've been hanging out all day!!
Your so cute when
you shake out your fluff!
Waddling around by me
looking so tough!
Were always together now,
you and me.
Lazy days of summer,
just me and my little ducky.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Inspired: 4+4=4
Have Fun!!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Its nice to be thankful that we can hoard ourselves inside and get some relief from the heat....well be grateful not all of us can be so lucky!! Who you say? how about...ME!! While i have air conditioning at home and it is great and wonderful...the air at work today is NOT working!! you heard me NOT working!! When i got to work today it was already 86 and hot!! we have no ceiling fans and no osculating fans either. I cant open the windows because that will just let the humidity in...and my area is full of windows!! any other day its great but today its a disadvantage!!! So enjoy your cool air conditioning and Popsicle...while your doing that im going to sweat off ten pounds!!!
Keep Cool Friends....
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
...go to the zoo with the boy as a chaperon for his school field trip.
...play out side after work (not my night to make dinner)
...have a four day weekend (two weeks in a row) (beat that!!)
...eat ice cream (yummy)
...drive home with the windows down. (mess up my hair a bit!)
...drop my ring off at the jewelers.
...walk the dog.
...listen to good music. (while on my walk of course)
...bang my head against my desk (because ive got nothing else to do!)
...make a turkey. (tomorrow)
...spend the rest of the week outdoors!!
...read...read...read. (cause i can)
...share all of this with you!! (arent you special!)
I repeat: YAY!!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Going to the Beach!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Currently I am...
...craving a chef's salad from the Country Pizza Parlor down the road.
...talking about nothing with others.
...feeling tired.
...wishing I was in my pj's.
...trying to stop thinking about food.
...excited about tomorrow.
...hoping for a peaceful evening.
...not pet friendly.
...thinking about popcorn.
...glad its not my night to make dinner.
...working on nothing.
...wanting to go to the zoo.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Gopher: If I was you, I'd think about skedaddlin' out of here.
Gopher: 'Cause it's "Winds-day."
Hum dum dum
Oh the wind is lashing lustily
And the trees are thrashing thrustily
And the leaves are rustling gustily
So it's rather safe to say
That it seems that it may turn out to be
It feels that it will undoubtedly
It looks like a rather blustery day, today
It sounds that it may turn out to be
Feels that it will undoubtedly
Looks like a rather blustery day today"
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Still Alive and Well
I know your all out there thinking about me...im thinking about all of you too. Thursday was just a fluke thing it seems. The doctors found nothing. So Im at home resting and eating ants on a log!! The party is still on for saturday. But in the mean time im going to be taking it slow and easy. And getting plenty of sleep.
Thank You all for your love and concerns.
Love You all right Back!!
See you all very soon.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
So to ensure I get to completely soak up what is left of the day I have decided that we will have a picnic dinner tonight. Oh yes, cheese and crackers, grapes, sparkling cider, and something sweet for dessert. Not a bbq picnic but a peaceful enjoyable, slightly healthier picnic dinner.
If your not doing anything later grab your blanket and your sun hat we would love for you to join us.
We'll See You There!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Spring is Sprung!
I am so excited about having flowers this year! I want big chunky bright flowers in each of my huge flower pots. In my lengthy flower box out front the boys have unanimously voted that there is to be pink, white, and purple flowers. Perhaps I will throw in a splash of yellow. Just for some added pop!!
Spring in comparison is like love. We can't be without it. We need it near us at all times. I open the windows just so the spring air can surround me during the night. Love is the same way we need to surround ourselves with it. We need to open our eyes and look at all that is around us. Only with heartfelt appreciation can we truly enjoy it.
I can feel the warm breeze on my face, the sun on my skin, and hear the sound of spring around me. I have shed my Minnesota winter blues and have slipped into something a little more fresh. Won't you join me?
Monday, April 12, 2010
Save Me!!
So no bread, no cereal, no MEAT, no sugar, no fat, no good stuff!!
i am starving here!! this is ridiculous. i guess your suppose to lose like nine pounds after this. But after that im going to be a twig!!!
mr. wonderful was whining like a little baby yesterday. He was screaming for meat!! it was horrible!! this went on for hours!!
But last night i made some tasty tomatoes...with chives and a mayo and dijon mustard dressing...actually was really good!!
7 more days to go!!
see you on the other side!
turkey's and chicken's and cow's beware!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Processing, copying, entering dates, amounts....and at he
pace of a snail!! Too much work and not enough time or SLEEP!
oh and the phone! Give me a break people!!! GRRR!! Don't
worry friends ill be fine. I just need a good nap with
my teddy bear and have a nice hot turkey panini and ill be back to
So until then my friends....
Friday, April 2, 2010
Something Embarrassing:
This past Monday at work i replaced the new handles on the water cooler because our office staff is so strong that we managed to break them. So you have to wait until the water jug is empty and remove it and drain the rest of the water out of the machine. So i to remove the empty jug and then drain the water that is in the water dispensers and then unplug the drain plug and empty the water out of there. First time ive ever done this. So im following the instructions just so. Empty the the water out of the water dispensers. Done. Good. Next is the drain plug. The pictures shows them unplugging it and catching the water in a paper cup. Easy enough. So i unplug the drain plug and i have my paper cup ready....and water shoots out the back of the water cooler...in seconds my paper cup is full and the water is still coming out....like a steady stream! So water is coming out the back getting all over the floor with no end in sight! I had to scramble to find something larger to catch the water and by that time it was all over the floor. I had no idea that there was so much water in the drain plug!!!! The water finally drains.
So i wipe up all the water....hoping no one in the office comes into the lobby to see the mess i have made!! Then i take off the broken handles and replace them with our new shining handles....and its looking pretty good!!! Like NEW!! :P I get a new jug and place it into the water cooler....SUDDENLY water is streaming out the back!! I FORGOT TO RE-PLUG THE DRAIN PLUG!! So again i have water getting everywhere i cant get the drain plug back on!! So i had to remove the jug and wait for the water to drain AND wipe up all the water. AGAIN. While i am wiping up the water the water cooler starts to smoke! Yes i have smoke coming out of the vents on the side of the water cooler. I practically screamed! I ran to open up the windows and finish wiping up the water. So the water is cleaned up an the water cooler stopped smoking. But now the office smelled. Yay! So i carefully plugged the drain plug, plugged in the water cooler, and turned in back on and jumped back waiting for it to explode or burst into flames. Nothing happened. No smoke. No fire. No water. Thank God!!! So i positioned the water cooler back against the wall and re-inserted the water jug. This time everything went well. No one came into the office lobby during any of this!! But i did have to answer to the dreaded question "What is that smell?" for the next two hours!!
Something Endearing....
Mr. Wonderful lives up to his name. On Tuesday we had a special event we had to attend at 9:00 P.M. So i started getting ready at 7:00 P.M. Showered, dressed, hair done up and painted my toes pink. :) After all this i realized i had left me earrings in the car. So with freshly painted toes and clean feet i cant go outside to get them. (lady's i know you understand) So i ask mr. wonderful if he would help me get my earrings. mr. wonderful agreed. He whisks me up and takes me outside to the car...places me in the car....waits for me to grab my earrings...and picks me back up and brings me back inside! He certianly could have just ran out to the car and grabbed my earrings for me. I asked him why he didnt just run out and grab them for me....and he just shrugs his shoulders!! Like its no big deal!! Oh mr. wonderful. i love you.
Something Irritating....
Filled up my gas tank Wednesday night after work and im going to have to fill it up again before tomorrow afternoon!!! Had a bit of driving to do this past week but didnt realize how much until i looked this morning!! Gas is $2.80 a gallon right now!! AAAGGG!!!
What did you bring to share?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I could SOOO take you....!!!
So if you think your going to tailgate me for five miles and then decide to go around me and go two miles an hour faster then me so i get stuck behind the big ol semi truck and have to change lanes and get stuck behind your butt...? You've got another thing coming!! And dont think your snotty glare or hand signals are going to deter me...cause you cant touch me!!
Oh and I'll make sure I wave to ya as I go by...so go ahead give me that you-gotta-be-kidding-me look. Its not going to stop me.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
......a six year old boy that screams like a girl...because of bugs!
......mr.wonderful's junk taking up my precious closet space!
.....a dog that sleeps on the floor on my side of the bed....so i almost step on him in the dark at 6:00 A.M.!
.....a clean car... it smells purty!!
......a SD card with over 500 pictures on it that need to be put in a scrapbook!
......a sore wrist from dont know what,think i might of fractured it slightly...(dont tell mr. wonderful)
......paint peeling off my car.
......a shortage on shoes!
......an empty fridge and a cupboard full of junk food!
......a kid with cavities.
......a pre-planned weekend and its not even the weekend!
.....a phone that thinks its a paperweight.
......cabin fever.
......slow day.
.......lack of oxygen.
.......itch to go shopping.
whadda you got?
March Madness!!
March it seems so innocent....when you look at in on a calender...you think spring yes calming winds, sparse clouds, sunny sunshine, budding trees....and lady bugs. (oh ya i KNOW you've been thinking about those!) And then BAM! there are scribbles and markings all over your march and you think to yourself where did the calming relaxing march i had planned go?
AAAHHH!! its outrageous! I have been robbed maybe even bamboozled!! It all started when mr. wonderful said (in january) 'hey lets take a trip to Colorado' and i was like really? sA-WEET!! and the plans where in motion!! Dates where picked! Research was being done. Locations where picked. BUT THEN mr. wonderful lost the funds in some freak accident where he foR-GOT that he had to pay rent! so the trip was off. mr. wonderful said 'im pretty sure i can still swing it.' so the trip was on! WOO-HOO! AND THEN he fell down snowboarding bumped his head and we spent four hours in the er. so the trip was off. no snowboarding for three weeks. didnt want head bashing to happen 1300 miles from home......BUT THEN mr. wonderful had some techniques he learned way back when that include convincing stories, puppy dog eyes, pictures, and chocolate, along with a few illustrations. so the trip was on. FOR SURE.
So with three weeks till the estimated date (last wends) i had some serious planning to do. So i set up sitters for the boy and the dog and packed and cleaned....(between the dog the boy and us two there was a total of four suitcases, a mattress, bedding included, three toy bins, and a truck loaded with a kennel and a dog house in it) ya i was busy!! ON TOP of that there was hair appointments, conferences, dinner to make, plans with other family members, and bills to pay.
So i successfully got everyone packed and dropped off at there specific destinations for five days. yes the trip was for five days three days spent driving there and back.
It was great the break we needed.....but then i had to come back. Everyone arrived back at home along with all of their belongings. I had a whole living room filled with stuff! Toys, clothes, snowboards, food, mattresses. It was a mess!! so i dove right in! i had 45 minutes to get my living room cleared out because we still had to pick up the dog!! EEEKKK!! so i got the majority put away and threw most everything in the laundry room!! Its wends...and i can finally see the laundry room floor!! Its great we have clean laundry and the house is almost back in order....not like it matters!!
Yesterday i spent the day running to the dentist (the boy has cavities) (and i dont know how many more then i had at that age), cleaning out the car, washing the mats, getting food stuffs, and then moving rooms around. a close friend of ours (more like brother in our family!) :) decided after all the raving about how being single is "SO AWESOME" he would get a girl friend.
(nothing against her shes great, cute little thing, gonna make a man out him...thats for sure)
BUT guess who shes staying with? oh ya. and we dont have a guest room par-say. So im moving EVERYTHING out of the office into the art room (which is half the size of the office) the closet is filled almost to the ceiling!! (with mr. wonderful junk of course) i have until next..what? monday? tuesday? whatever day it is..its STILL NOT ENOUGH TIME!!! We've only had mr. wonderful's family ever stay with us when they were in town and at that time we had bedrooms set up for this....but we dont have guest enough to have a "guest room" So this is like a huge deal at our place. This weekend is the big turn over! House is getting scrubbed down, rooms are getting set up and new furniture is going to be bought. Yay new furniture!! we still havent gotten a kitchen table and we NEED a new couch...so on top of everything else we have to assemble furniture!! Its my weekend with my sister too, hope she knows how to use a screwdriver!! oh and pillows we are in need of pillows and bedding!!
(its a shame because ive wanted a new couch for two years now and i cant even get excited about it!! AAGGHH!!
When i said MARCH MADNESS!
i WASNT kidding!!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I'm Back!!
Its monday and I'm back here at work. No more vacation. We were so glad to get home...it was a long drive!! Most of vacation was spent inside a truck behind the wheel. Still was super fun!! I will share some highlights with you!!
Wednesday Night was wonderful because mr. wonderful was so tired so it was my turn to drive thus my music. I happened to have my ipod on shuffle. What song should come on but some Enrique Iglesias (from back in the day) song. Oh ya! I would have changed it but mr. wonderful looks at me and says: "oh ya this is my song!". (he was kidding of course) But the rest is history. I sat there for the longest three minutes ever listening to mr. wonderful hit all the high notes and shatter my eardrums! I never laughed so hard in my life!!
Thursday i slept in a down comforter mattress that is THE best mattress ever by-the-way. Oh and much better then the brick im sleeping on at home.
Friday there was high winds so we hit downtown...bought some stuff we didn't need! Headed out for dinner but instead got into a fight with mr. wonderful. Yup. Fighting on vacation. I guess thats what married people do on vacation. too much time together and all that love and BAM! you get left downtown all alone... Yup. mr. wonderful drove off and left me alone downtown! Super!!
Saturday was filled with shredding up the mountain! Serious carve-age!! It was awesome!! I love being up there. There is nothing in the world like it. Its so beautiful and peaceful and its you and your board. And the sound your board makes while your carving...second best sound in the world. (aside from a blow off valve of course, so HOT!!)
Sunday was a loooonnnnngggg day!! Lots of driving and more weird-ness from mr. wonderful. He never fails to reassure you how normal you really are!! Followed by the reunited of the family. The boy was waiting for us...totally blew us off....like we were nothing!! TURD!!! Picked up the dog...he was more excited then the boy! and have been getting lectured by the cat ever since i got back...he had everything he needed he just wants to let me know how upset he is with us leaving and not checking in with him first!!
While its good to be back...im not sure im ready for spring now! I'll gladly take the snow back! I know you think im crazy but if i could be attached to my board for a whole week straight on a mountain i would so be there!! I guess ill just get over it and look for summer, ya im jumping to summer! Forget spring! Look Out Beach! HERE I COME!!
See All of You Soon!!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Stranded on Vacation!
Vacation is not overrated. I recommend it to everyone!! Try it for a weekend or just a day! But defiantly get out there!!!
We are having a great time on the other side of the valley. We arrived yesterday at nine in the morning!! We made great time, but we were so bushed! Had a little breakfast and then went for some sight seeing that turned into a little back country. Best way to snowboard. Period. After was good quality nap-age. oh ya nap-age. Followed by a trip downtown. They have the cutest little downtown area and whats better is free bus transit all over town. Today was SUPPOSE to be a day of full fledged snowboarding on the mountian BUT due to seriously high winds the resort shut it down. TOTAL BUMMER!! So tomorrow is all reserved for snowboarding. Followed by the long drive back to the other side of the valley.
There is a few more pics in the side bar so check em out!
Fair well until then my friends!!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Its official I have developed a slight allergy to peanuts. Yup. It's super. Anything with a peanut or a hint of peanuts will cause my throat to swell. Not too much but enough to make it difficult to swallow. So this is my good-bye to peanuts and peanut related products:
Good-bye Peanut Butter
Good-bye Peanuts
Good-bye Mr. Good bar
Good-bye Peanut Butter Cups
Good-bye Peanut butter toast
Good-bye Hershey's Products
Good-bye my old friend.....You will be missed.
Until Next time my non-allergic Peanut Friends.....
Monday, March 15, 2010
1. The sun is shining
Seems like ages since we've seen it but rest assured friends its only been six or seven days!!! Its great! Its grand! We've been waiting for it and its here!
2. The Rain has stopped!!
My gutter is broken. Previous renters ran into it with some gargantuan pole of some sort so there is a big inward dent in my gutter. Right before you get to the sidewalk. So this past week it has been coming out of this area instead of on the side of my house. Dripping and leaking and everything. So THANK GOODNESS the rain has stopped!!
3. The Ice has melted.
Because of my awesome gutter situation, when the temperatures first rose to above thirty degrees we had a slow leak, and every night it froze over. And because we never had salt or went to get any, eventually we had this enormous ice skating rank in front of our sidewalk. Great if you have skates. But for the rest of us it was a death trap. But we got salt and fifty degree weather and it all melted away!
4. Taken a Vacation.
That's right vacation. Much deserved might I add. I haven't had a vacation for over three years!! THREE YEARS!!! A vacation from the house, the car, the dog, that cat, the boy, and work. Oh ya I am all for vacation!
Finally!! Finally! Finally!!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
So Irritating!!!
This particular entry is a bit of venting mixed in with a few rhetorical questions. Whether you feel the same way or not it doesn't matter. I just feel better writing about it!!
1. Horrible Women Drivers
Thats right I said it. Some women are horrible drivers and they all seem to get right in front of me. Its starts like this: Im in a two way two lane road that is going to turn into two way one lane road in about a quarter of a mile. The lady next to me just maintains her speed but we both know that she planning to merge. In front of me. But she refuses to speed up-until the last minute. So she floors it and veers over almost clipping my front end. Not using her blinker and then she slams on the brakes. Yay, that was fun. And now she is glaring at me in her rear-view mirror because suddenly I'm tail-gating her.
2. Horrible Women Drivers in Vehicles They Either Dont Know How To Use and Certianly Dont Need.
This is the one with those women whos husbands get them an suv or a truck because hey we live in Minnesota. News Flash: This is not going to keep them out of the ditch if they cant drive in the first place. Yes its super irritating. Two reasons: First, when its snowing they drive like they normally do, thinking 'well i have four wheel drive im just fine' and then BAM-in the ditch. Second, they drive the suv or truck like its a sedan! Come on girls! We do not need to come to a complete stop to make a turn. (after you've had your blinker on for a quarter of a mile and have been going twenty miles and hour) Its a truck drive it like you stole it! Believe me it can take it. Run over that curb. Your man is not going to mad at you because you ran over the curb in the truck. I promise you. And for the suv...come on its at least four feet off of the ground. Drive that thing!!!
3. The Slow Lane
Why is it even there if people are going to go slow in the fast lane? We all know its there so what we just drive slow in a different lane intentionally to irritate everyone else? Well Done- Mission accomplished.
4. Kids at a Restaurant
Now dont get me wrong i have no problem with kids. I have a few of my own. Here are the issues: When I go out to eat I don't want to hear your kid screaming for five, ten minutes on end. Excuse yourself and take care of the issue. We don't all have to be miserable because little johnny doesn't get to play with the salt and pepper shakers. You a parent you should know what it takes to bring your child out to dinner and if you don't well then you shouldn't be bringing him out expecting your waiter to entertain him. That's not how it works. Next issue, because your in a restaurant does not mean that it is everyone else responsibility to take care of your kid. They should not be running around in the aisles, laying on the floor, and looking into my booth and throwing things into my lap. Their your children, your obligated to take care of them. And if that's what's expected then don't get all offended when I do tell your kid to turn around and knock it off.
5. Dogs Barking at Nothing at 10 p.m.
It just shouldn't be happening. Period.
6. Kids Who Think They Know Everything.
Oh ya you know the ones I'm talking about. The ones that are living at home still, have never had a checking account, and think everything should be handed to them on a silver platter. Yup those are the ones. They are just sssoooooo irritated when THEY have to go grocery shopping, its not like their going to eat the food. Or THEY cant borrow the fancy sports car, because they pay insurance and have had their license for two WHOLE days. And the ones that roll their eyes because you tell them how it is, HELLO they know everything, remember? how dare you tell them why it the way it is...Shesh.
Those are the most irritating things of my daily life. I know. I know. Its life. Deal with it. And I do. But it just felt better getting it out there. Thanks for listening. Your the best!!
Next time Friends.....
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Signs of Spring!!
1. The sunrise was earlier than normal.
Before I even pulled out of the driveway to head to work signs of daylight had already been seen. The sky was no longer dark and black it was a lighter blue and i could see the sun in the horizon.
2. The chickadees were singing.
Chickadees only come back when the weather is changing into spring. As annoying as they are i welcomed there extremely obnoxious back and forth bickering from across the road.
3. I was up before the alarm.
Curse the Donney blood that runs through my veins!! Because the earths axis is changing and the sun will be rising earlier....so will i. As soon as that sun hits the horizon im up. Early rising....for sure a sign of spring.
4. The Dog is shedding-LIKE CRAZY
Most dogs shed i get it. Of course but a short haired blood hound should not be leaving enough hair to make an extra throw rug all over my house!! Its insane. If thats not a sign of spring whats my dog so stressed about?
5. I have an itch to clean
This might be just me because sometimes i have an obsession with cleaning but i am looking for warm weather so i can clean things i dont regularly get to clean. For example the insides of my windows between the window and the screen. The front of my house needs to be sweeped...yes swept. And a whole bunch of others...im sure you dont want to hear about it so i will spare you!!
Yes friends spring is right around the corner!! So shake off that hibernation groggy-ness and get out those flip-flops and sandals. Soon we will be planting, mowing, growing, and pruning. All while getting a wonderful golden tan....
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
The Best Thing To Do In The Middle Of Winter: SLEEP!!
I love sleep!! Don't you? Sleep is natural caffeine. For all you coffee drinkers out there put down that cup and take a nap!! Caffeine is over rated!! You dont need it. Jump into those comfy jammies, super soft slippers, and grab an extra blanket. Check into bed. Plans...what plans? There is no need to go to the store or go shopping!! You dont need to eat because when your sleeping your metabolism slows down so you will eat less!! You dont need new clothes because no one can see it under all those layers you have to wear anyways...specially if your in bed under layers of blankets!! Its the middle of winter we should be sleeping more. Its our natural inclination! Bears do it. So do Dear. Even chimp monks do it!! Its natures way. If you not sure then step out side into that deep freezer that will help you make up you decide!!
In the mean time i will be buried under a thick mountain of blankets dreaming of someplace warmer!
Until next time friends......
Friday, February 12, 2010
Today we are going to talk about the harsh realities of February. Sounds oober fun doesnt it? It is until you start realizing you have most if not all the symptoms!
Reason Number 1: The weather is getting to you.
In february you start to hate the cold. As Minnesotans we are born into the cold and come to love it along with other crazy weather related things like going for a drive in the middle of a winter storm warning. But in February when the weather is between 17-23 degrees somehow thats just too cold for us!!
Reason Number 2: Your warn out.
Its official! As the winter drones on we get tired of putting on layers upon layers to go outside and get the mail! Were too tired to get up and even put on some decent clothes so we can make some dry toast to satisfy that hunger for sunshine and bare feet.
Reason Number 3: No Motivation
If you have the first two symptoms of a harsh February you defiantly have symptom number three. If its so cold why change out of our warm comfy jammies and bare it? Why should we leave our warm comfortable beds? Where is my room service? and who is that kid that keeps coming in here? There's no reason to go anywhere we are so unmotivated whose hungry? and even so I'm not getting out of bed-WHERE IS MY ROOM SERVICE!
Reason Number 4: Unbelievably Tired
Being unbelievably tired will help contribute to your lack of motivation and thus bring you back to your ancestors way of curling up and hiding out for the winter. This will also deem you unrecognizable to the rest of the outside world. Because you havent been seen for days even weeks..search parties may have been formed. The proper authorities and even your mother in law have been informed. There is screaming down the hall. What your hearing is your mother she has seen something she thinks might be a bear and the smell verifies that....HIT THE SHOWER!!
Reason Number 5: The snow keeps on coming!!
So its all so horrible and unbearable!! But hey, spring could be just right around the corner. But wait whats that the weather guy keeps talking about? More snow! Are you kidding me! Any glimpse of spring we thought or hoped we could see is gone. Just gone. Wheres my blanket? I'm going back to bed!!
Reason Number 6: Suddenly-Your sick!
You thought you'd suck it up and be the Minnesotan you know you are. So you got all your gear and ventured out to the mailbox. After getting out of your oh-so-wonderfully-warm jammies....putting on your layers of outer gear....shoveling out your front steps....trudging down the driveway...un-burying your mailbox...and finding your way back to your own house...(they all look the same here in February)...your back in side. Man was that totally worth it!! and there it is...the deep down in your lungs scraping the back of your throat sneeze. There it is all the sign you need. Here comes the worst cold of the season...the February Cold. Famous for knocking you out and taking whatever was left of your winter spirit. (After the February Cold, your so done with winter your willing to pack up and move outta state!) So you get back in your jammies. Ready to hold down whats left of your Minnesota dignity and fight of the famous February cold.
Four hours later....you've doped up on the best cold fighting medication you could get your hands on. You so loaded up with vicks vapor rub no body will come near you (good thing you took that shower earlier..psh) You've got a full stock of cough drops and the soup is on the stove. Your ready your gonna kick this. No way its getting you this year.
The next morning...Its on!! The sneezing...the coughing...their arent enough blankets in the house to kick your shivers....cough drops arent doing anything...Who let that dog in here?...Where is my soup?...where is my blanket?...and who took by bear?....I hate February!!
Hang in there friends.
...springs right around the corner....
Monday, February 8, 2010
Falling in love with Minnesota-all over again!
Nothing like a good snow storm to take you back to your childhood...Today i had to shovel the end of my driveway so i could get out. The side wall of my drive way are taller then me! I had no where else to put the snow!! So i shoveled it on to the left side of the driveway so the snowplow would shove it further down the road!! Here comes the snow plow and it plows a whole 'nother pile of snow in my driveway and COMPLETELY misses the pile i shoved into the road!!! He goes around it!!! UNBELIEVABLE! its alright though because it will be there for him later!!!
Im loving this snow though. This is how it used to snow when we were kids...and this is not our first big snow fall may i remind you! This is what Im talking about snow fall after snow fall, not the "flurries" they call "snow". This right here this is what being a Minnesotan is all about!! The snow is up to the boys' thighs! Its so wonderful...i remember the days we would have to shovel ourselves out of our house...and then dad would build us snow forts out of the drifts in the front and back yard. Oh and the neighborhood snowball fights that would last hours!! Oh man snow like this..it takes me back. WHERE ARE MY BOOTS? I am so going sledding tomorrow...whos game?
Now the funniest part of all of this is how many people have lived here in Minnesota and cant drive in this weather? Come on just because you have a truck doesnt mean that you can drive like an idiot and not go into the ditch...come on people! So it will continue to snow and continue to get worse...and our home grown Minnesotan's will continue to drive to fast, tailgate each other, and give every insurance agency in the state more business. Have a safe drive home friends..and look out for those people in the trucks and suv's who dont know how to use them!!
My drive wasnt too bad a steady pace of 30 miles and hour for an hour and 45 minutes but i used my super awesome skills (those are similar to the priceline.com guys negotiating skills, but mine are much more awesomer!) had a few slippery moments but my impala gets me anywhere through anything...i dont need no truck or suv. Dont believe me do you? Well if you can jump your car and 60 miles an hour and nothing comes off and it still runs like a new mustang...then maybe you would have more faith in you car....thats what happened to me!! But thats a story for another time!
Well enjoy the weather friends, i know that i will. Have fun and be safe!
Friday, February 5, 2010
i want my blog to be about things that interest me as well as others, you know? so im going to include things such as hot topics ive heard about as well as my opinion on the matter, and weather issues, family concerns, and also fun activities that i may have come across. so to summerize daily entries, variety of topics....good glad we got that out in the open!
Looking forward to giving this a try