Monday, March 15, 2010


1. The sun is shining

Seems like ages since we've seen it but rest assured friends its only been six or seven days!!! Its great! Its grand! We've been waiting for it and its here!


2. The Rain has stopped!!

My gutter is broken. Previous renters ran into it with some gargantuan pole of some sort so there is a big inward dent in my gutter. Right before you get to the sidewalk. So this past week it has been coming out of this area instead of on the side of my house. Dripping and leaking and everything. So THANK GOODNESS the rain has stopped!!


3. The Ice has melted.

Because of my awesome gutter situation, when the temperatures first rose to above thirty degrees we had a slow leak, and every night it froze over. And because we never had salt or went to get any, eventually we had this enormous ice skating rank in front of our sidewalk. Great if you have skates. But for the rest of us it was a death trap. But we got salt and fifty degree weather and it all melted away!


4. Taken a Vacation.

That's right vacation. Much deserved might I add. I haven't had a vacation for over three years!! THREE YEARS!!! A vacation from the house, the car, the dog, that cat, the boy, and work. Oh ya I am all for vacation!

Finally!! Finally! Finally!!

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