Friday, August 27, 2010

Its Been Decided!!!

Greetings friends!!

The results are in! We have decided for spring of 2011 to purchase the 2007 Toyota Matrix XR.

Don't you love it?!
I know its not one of the five we had listed but, we had to go a "wee" bit more realistic. The prices on the others were a bit high. And lets face it i cant affort to pay a high monthly payment AND speeding tickets! :P

So the Toyota Matrix gets 27MPG and is a four cylinder. The engine is a bit smaller than what i have now...but for the purpose of going on road trips, and cruising around town i think it will serve its purpose. I am not allowed to drag race anyway!! So well have plenty of leg room, and can throw the dog in the back instead of having him on my seats!! WOO!!!

So what do you think? It should be speedy enough for our local races, and have plenty of room so we can all fit comfortably. The engine is not as big or as fast as i would like it but we have to set and example for the young ones don't we? We can always leave them at home!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Don't Forget!!!

Summers end will soon approach and many will be whining about how they are not ready to see summer go. well im sorry, so very sorry.

but friends DONT FORGET!!

-we had plenty of rain this year so fall is going to be GORGEOUS!!

-raking isnt so bad!!

-its fun to watch our dogs trudge in the snow!

-slipping and sliding around in our car is a Minnesota past time!

-hot chocolate...mmmm

-snowball fights


-burying little kids in the snow

-ice skating

-movie marathons!

-February....yea i said it!

-climbing trees you cant reach in the summer

-sledding with your dog!

-hot soup thats been cooking all day.

-cold feet

-alphabet soup

-blankets...warm fuzzy blankets

-little kids in snow suits

-dreaming of the beach



-mini snowmen.

You see? summer doesnt have ALL the perks!!

Friday, August 13, 2010


Kudos to all you mini-vanners!!!

(you'll have to copy and paste the URL, sorry its the best i could do!)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July Was Better!!!

Remember when i said i was all Juned out? Because i was missing out on all the highlights of summer, well here are some of my highlights from July to make up for my loss:

.....bbqing five nights a week-check!

.....hanging with friends every other day-check!

......plenty of sunshine-check! (not to mention the heat!!)

.....beach side views- check!

....hanging out at the pool with grandma-check (you better believe it!)

....golden tan-check!!! (bronze here we come!!)

....moment of severe sunburn-check! (i dont think that was on the list!)

Thanks to the beautiful weather i was able to fill my july with extra summer fun!!!
Who needs june?

August here we come!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ready, Set, GO!!!

Bringing it back and making up for lost time...isnt that how it feels? For real!! Alright lets get this this thing started!!! I have some random ponders i would like to share...

-When little kids are talking...or thinking out loud when they finish and they sit there suddenly very quite...what are they thinking? (i would love to be inside there head at that moment!)

-Do dogs have short term memory?

-How does dirt get inside the door frame? No matter how much you sweep around the door more dirt falls out.

-What if...we all could live in one big house? Do you know how much fun that would be!!??

-Why didnt mars inc. think of putting pretzels inside m&m's sooner? I would have love to been at that board meeting!

-How can it be so hot and not a single glimpse of the sun is possible?

-So if you have lemons your suppose to make lemonade....what if you get tomatoes? or potatoes? or radishes?

-Why do people put fake flowers outside?

What do you ponder about?