Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Signs of Spring!!

Noticed Spring Creeping around the corning this morning!

1. The sunrise was earlier than normal.

Before I even pulled out of the driveway to head to work signs of daylight had already been seen. The sky was no longer dark and black it was a lighter blue and i could see the sun in the horizon.

2. The chickadees were singing.

Chickadees only come back when the weather is changing into spring. As annoying as they are i welcomed there extremely obnoxious back and forth bickering from across the road.

3. I was up before the alarm.

Curse the Donney blood that runs through my veins!! Because the earths axis is changing and the sun will be rising will i. As soon as that sun hits the horizon im up. Early rising....for sure a sign of spring.

4. The Dog is shedding-LIKE CRAZY

Most dogs shed i get it. Of course but a short haired blood hound should not be leaving enough hair to make an extra throw rug all over my house!! Its insane. If thats not a sign of spring whats my dog so stressed about?

5. I have an itch to clean

This might be just me because sometimes i have an obsession with cleaning but i am looking for warm weather so i can clean things i dont regularly get to clean. For example the insides of my windows between the window and the screen. The front of my house needs to be sweeped...yes swept. And a whole bunch of sure you dont want to hear about it so i will spare you!!

Yes friends spring is right around the corner!! So shake off that hibernation groggy-ness and get out those flip-flops and sandals. Soon we will be planting, mowing, growing, and pruning. All while getting a wonderful golden tan....


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Best Thing To Do In The Middle Of Winter: SLEEP!!

Hello Friends!!

I love sleep!! Don't you? Sleep is natural caffeine. For all you coffee drinkers out there put down that cup and take a nap!! Caffeine is over rated!! You dont need it. Jump into those comfy jammies, super soft slippers, and grab an extra blanket. Check into bed. Plans...what plans? There is no need to go to the store or go shopping!! You dont need to eat because when your sleeping your metabolism slows down so you will eat less!! You dont need new clothes because no one can see it under all those layers you have to wear anyways...specially if your in bed under layers of blankets!! Its the middle of winter we should be sleeping more. Its our natural inclination! Bears do it. So do Dear. Even chimp monks do it!! Its natures way. If you not sure then step out side into that deep freezer that will help you make up you decide!!

In the mean time i will be buried under a thick mountain of blankets dreaming of someplace warmer!

Until next time friends......

Hump Day!!!


Friday, February 12, 2010


Hey all you out there in cyberspace!!!

Today we are going to talk about the harsh realities of February. Sounds oober fun doesnt it? It is until you start realizing you have most if not all the symptoms!

Reason Number 1: The weather is getting to you.

In february you start to hate the cold. As Minnesotans we are born into the cold and come to love it along with other crazy weather related things like going for a drive in the middle of a winter storm warning. But in February when the weather is between 17-23 degrees somehow thats just too cold for us!!

Reason Number 2: Your warn out.

Its official! As the winter drones on we get tired of putting on layers upon layers to go outside and get the mail! Were too tired to get up and even put on some decent clothes so we can make some dry toast to satisfy that hunger for sunshine and bare feet.

Reason Number 3: No Motivation

If you have the first two symptoms of a harsh February you defiantly have symptom number three. If its so cold why change out of our warm comfy jammies and bare it? Why should we leave our warm comfortable beds? Where is my room service? and who is that kid that keeps coming in here? There's no reason to go anywhere we are so unmotivated whose hungry? and even so I'm not getting out of bed-WHERE IS MY ROOM SERVICE!

Reason Number 4: Unbelievably Tired

Being unbelievably tired will help contribute to your lack of motivation and thus bring you back to your ancestors way of curling up and hiding out for the winter. This will also deem you unrecognizable to the rest of the outside world. Because you havent been seen for days even parties may have been formed. The proper authorities and even your mother in law have been informed. There is screaming down the hall. What your hearing is your mother she has seen something she thinks might be a bear and the smell verifies that....HIT THE SHOWER!!

Reason Number 5: The snow keeps on coming!!

So its all so horrible and unbearable!! But hey, spring could be just right around the corner. But wait whats that the weather guy keeps talking about? More snow! Are you kidding me! Any glimpse of spring we thought or hoped we could see is gone. Just gone. Wheres my blanket? I'm going back to bed!!

Reason Number 6: Suddenly-Your sick!

You thought you'd suck it up and be the Minnesotan you know you are. So you got all your gear and ventured out to the mailbox. After getting out of your oh-so-wonderfully-warm jammies....putting on your layers of outer gear....shoveling out your front steps....trudging down the driveway...un-burying your mailbox...and finding your way back to your own house...(they all look the same here in February)...your back in side. Man was that totally worth it!! and there it is...the deep down in your lungs scraping the back of your throat sneeze. There it is all the sign you need. Here comes the worst cold of the season...the February Cold. Famous for knocking you out and taking whatever was left of your winter spirit. (After the February Cold, your so done with winter your willing to pack up and move outta state!) So you get back in your jammies. Ready to hold down whats left of your Minnesota dignity and fight of the famous February cold.

Four hours've doped up on the best cold fighting medication you could get your hands on. You so loaded up with vicks vapor rub no body will come near you (good thing you took that shower earlier..psh) You've got a full stock of cough drops and the soup is on the stove. Your ready your gonna kick this. No way its getting you this year.

The next morning...Its on!! The sneezing...the coughing...their arent enough blankets in the house to kick your shivers....cough drops arent doing anything...Who let that dog in here?...Where is my soup?...where is my blanket?...and who took by bear?....I hate February!!

Hang in there friends.

...springs right around the corner....

Monday, February 8, 2010

Falling in love with Minnesota-all over again!

Greetings friends!!

Nothing like a good snow storm to take you back to your childhood...Today i had to shovel the end of my driveway so i could get out. The side wall of my drive way are taller then me! I had no where else to put the snow!! So i shoveled it on to the left side of the driveway so the snowplow would shove it further down the road!! Here comes the snow plow and it plows a whole 'nother pile of snow in my driveway and COMPLETELY misses the pile i shoved into the road!!! He goes around it!!! UNBELIEVABLE! its alright though because it will be there for him later!!!

Im loving this snow though. This is how it used to snow when we were kids...and this is not our first big snow fall may i remind you! This is what Im talking about snow fall after snow fall, not the "flurries" they call "snow". This right here this is what being a Minnesotan is all about!! The snow is up to the boys' thighs! Its so wonderful...i remember the days we would have to shovel ourselves out of our house...and then dad would build us snow forts out of the drifts in the front and back yard. Oh and the neighborhood snowball fights that would last hours!! Oh man snow like takes me back. WHERE ARE MY BOOTS? I am so going sledding tomorrow...whos game?

Now the funniest part of all of this is how many people have lived here in Minnesota and cant drive in this weather? Come on just because you have a truck doesnt mean that you can drive like an idiot and not go into the ditch...come on people! So it will continue to snow and continue to get worse...and our home grown Minnesotan's will continue to drive to fast, tailgate each other, and give every insurance agency in the state more business. Have a safe drive home friends..and look out for those people in the trucks and suv's who dont know how to use them!!

My drive wasnt too bad a steady pace of 30 miles and hour for an hour and 45 minutes but i used my super awesome skills (those are similar to the guys negotiating skills, but mine are much more awesomer!) had a few slippery moments but my impala gets me anywhere through anything...i dont need no truck or suv. Dont believe me do you? Well if you can jump your car and 60 miles an hour and nothing comes off and it still runs like a new mustang...then maybe you would have more faith in you car....thats what happened to me!! But thats a story for another time!

Well enjoy the weather friends, i know that i will. Have fun and be safe!


Friday, February 5, 2010


well ive yet to do this regularly but im going to give it a shot!!
i want my blog to be about things that interest me as well as others, you know? so im going to include things such as hot topics ive heard about as well as my opinion on the matter, and weather issues, family concerns, and also fun activities that i may have come across. so to summerize daily entries, variety of topics....good glad we got that out in the open!

Looking forward to giving this a try