Monday, May 16, 2011

Perfect Snack!

Well the sun is out and shining. The breeze is blowing. The birds are tweeting. And im stuck at work. YUCK!!! BUT im not complaining. Really im not! (im not) I have windows in front of me and also to my right. So i can see right outside into the sunshine and see the nice green trees and the pretty blues skies. And i was thinking to myself this is perfect snack weather!!! thats right i never miss an opportunity to eat something!! ha ha. But what is the perfect snack for a moment like this when i can space out into the world outside...? Well i have it here. I do. Its yummy and delicious and wonderful. What is it do you ask? The one and only childhood snack you can never grow out of: 

Thats right!!! I made some this morning and brought them to work and it is the absolute most perfect thing to a day like this. 

So perhaps you need a pick me up. Then you are in luck my friend. All you need is your perfect spot to sit with a little sunshine...a good view and celery pb and raisins. Whip it up and enjoy!!! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Get Ready!

Hey Kids!!

Are you ready? Well you better get ready because its coming and its coming fast!!!The weather is warming up. We will have a bit more rain....oh stop your whining!! You'vewaited this long whats two more weeks? i said STOP WHINING!!!! jeez...any WHOGet ready (that means you have to stop whining, there is no whining in summer or spring oranywhere over here by me....go over there) because its warming up super duper fast.The birdsare out at FIVE IN THE MORNING!!!! and they sing and sing AND SING AND SING AND so you HAVE TO GET UP!!!! and the flowers are blooming....except for mine because i dont have any. Why? i dont wanna talk about it. (jeez your all in my business...didnt i tell you to go over there?!) Things are GREEN. Like the grass and the trees have leaves. Did i spell that right?) cute little baby leaves they are just so darling (why are you back over here?) in my bubble for real 
Nothing is cuter than baby leaves. And the sun is out!!! OUT!! REAL LIVE SUNSHINE!!! I like sunshine. Well i like sunshine in mid june because then im not allergic to it. THHHATTTS right. im allergic to the SUN. no i dont MELT! (what is the matter with you today?) Just for a short period of time it makes me ITCHY!!!
Thats right just imagine little itchy bumps all up and down your arms ooo yea can you feel it? Yea ITCHY!!! But your itchy cause its in your head. It happens to me FOR REAL. For TWO MONTHS!!! how bout that? WOO!!!! (did you just call me crazy?) (at least i wasnt crying! :P) So there!!! 

ANY WAY....the signs are all there.... holy cow why is my font so big??!!!  ok there we go. the signs are all there spring is coming. The birds (dear GOD why did you mention the birds again!!????)))) are singing (and they never STOP) and the baby leaves are out (they are so cute!!) and the dogs are frolicking ( eeww) and the invites are coming in. You know the ones. The ITS SUMMER COME OVER AND EAT MY FOOD AND DO OTHER STUFF invitations. 

So you have two weeks (to stop your whining) and RSVP to all your invites (but you cant go if your gonna cry) and go say hello to the cute leaves (hello you cutzy wootzy ity bitty cute weevesss....) because in two weeks they will be all grown up (and youll cry because you miss them) and get up early because the birds WONT STOP SINGING!!! And youll have no excuse why you werent ready because i warned you so  BE READY!!!

Monday, May 2, 2011


Holy Cow Kids!!! It sure is cold out there!!! We are just itching for spring but believe it or not we are jumping the gun!!!! Here are some tid bits i found: 

-Last year our last recorded snowfall was MAY 8th

-Average Temperature for MAY is 47 degrees.

So just CHILL!!!! Literally!!! Spring will be here.....eventually.