Well friends we finally have it hot and steamy summer weather!! High of 88 today with a heat index of 100!! Its going to get ugly!! it was 76 on the drive in to work today! Holy Hot Potatoes!!!
Its nice to be thankful that we can hoard ourselves inside and get some relief from the heat....well be grateful not all of us can be so lucky!! Who you say? how about...ME!! While i have air conditioning at home and it is great and wonderful...the air at work today is NOT working!! you heard me NOT working!! When i got to work today it was already 86 and hot!! we have no ceiling fans and no osculating fans either. I cant open the windows because that will just let the humidity in...and my area is full of windows!! any other day its great but today its a disadvantage!!! So enjoy your cool air conditioning and Popsicle...while your doing that im going to sweat off ten pounds!!!
Keep Cool Friends....