Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Signs of Spring!!

Noticed Spring Creeping around the corning this morning!

1. The sunrise was earlier than normal.

Before I even pulled out of the driveway to head to work signs of daylight had already been seen. The sky was no longer dark and black it was a lighter blue and i could see the sun in the horizon.

2. The chickadees were singing.

Chickadees only come back when the weather is changing into spring. As annoying as they are i welcomed there extremely obnoxious back and forth bickering from across the road.

3. I was up before the alarm.

Curse the Donney blood that runs through my veins!! Because the earths axis is changing and the sun will be rising will i. As soon as that sun hits the horizon im up. Early rising....for sure a sign of spring.

4. The Dog is shedding-LIKE CRAZY

Most dogs shed i get it. Of course but a short haired blood hound should not be leaving enough hair to make an extra throw rug all over my house!! Its insane. If thats not a sign of spring whats my dog so stressed about?

5. I have an itch to clean

This might be just me because sometimes i have an obsession with cleaning but i am looking for warm weather so i can clean things i dont regularly get to clean. For example the insides of my windows between the window and the screen. The front of my house needs to be sweeped...yes swept. And a whole bunch of sure you dont want to hear about it so i will spare you!!

Yes friends spring is right around the corner!! So shake off that hibernation groggy-ness and get out those flip-flops and sandals. Soon we will be planting, mowing, growing, and pruning. All while getting a wonderful golden tan....


1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean. I've been really restless lately. Very anxious for spring.

    I love the joke! I read it aloud and everybody loved it.

