Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Absolutely Fantastic!

Happy Jan. My Friends!! This is my Absolutely Fantastic List


1) I just got free french fries-and they are yummy!!

2) Its going to FINALLY drop below zero-and i mean DROP! -30 tomorrow! WOO!! Letter writing anyone?

3) Check out Color Me Katie. The annual pants-less subway ride in NYC!! You WILL laugh!!! (dont worry they have skivvies on!)
4) I will have the house to myself this weekend-mr wonderful and the boy are going ice fishing with mr wonderful sr. so PARTY AT MY PLACE!!!

5) I think im losing weight! My skirt didnt fit me real good yesterday and im having a tough time keeping my work pants up!! WOO!!!

6) January is almost over! WOO!!

7) i cant get enough WOO's out there! WOOO!! (Say it with me: WOOO!!)

Whats Absolutely Fantastic in your life right now?